My main profession is software development. I like writing clean code, which is easy to read and maintain. I am based in the Czech Republic and available for remote engagements. I worked fully remotely for the past 12 years and found this to be the most efficient way of getting the job done.

I have an excellent handle on English, both written and spoken, gained thanks to college education and living 4 years in the USA. While living in the land of the free and the home of the brave, I was working full time for Liferay GS in Chicago and continued to work remotely from the Czech Republic for the next 8+ years. .

Professional summary

  • Skilled and reliable software developer with experience in software development and delivery of Java and Liferay solutions.
  • 15+ years of experience with Java and Liferay development, build tools, performance testing and tuning.
  • Worked for various clients of Liferay Global Services, including media publishing company, building materials’ manufacturer, national train transportation company or municipality systems provider.
  • Built complete runtime for Liferay in AWS (EC2, RDS, S3, CloudFormation), including CI/CD using Jenkins. Successfully used for several Liferay GS customers as the Manged Services initiative, before the birth of Liferay PaaS.
  • Contributed to Liferay PaaS in its early phases (formerly Liferay Experience Cloud platform - LXC) – mostly defined and implemented developer experience and CI/CD system based on Gradle, Jenkins and Docker.
  • Liferay Certified Professional – Liferay Portal 6.1 Developer (certificate) with over 16 years of experience as developer


  • Object-oriented design and analysis
  • Java Portals: Liferay
  • Open Source Libraries and Frameworks: Spring, OSGi
  • Development: JUnit, Spock, PowerMock, Mockito
  • DevOps: Linux, Tomcat, Nginx, MySQL/MariaDB, Git, Gradle, Maven, Ant, Docker, Jekyll
  • CI/CD: Jenkins, GitHub Actions, SonarCloud
  • Virtualization & Cloud: Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Monitoring: JMX, Dynatrace, Datadog