The house we bought did not have a lot of storage for large stuff, like winter / summer tires for our car, sleds, garden tool or wooden stands I occasionally need in my workshop. The secondary garage we have has quite a high ceiling (around 3.5m under the ridge), so I decided to build a partial “loft”, leaving enough space below to park our car and walk while giving us some space above to store stuff.

This was by far the heaviest project I took to date, since I used large beams to support the second floor (the longest is 20x16 cm across). Transport 6m beam on a 2m car trailer from my parents’ house near Nove Mesto was also an interesting experience. Luckily, I could use the existing walls as the support for the beams, so it was just a matter or placing the beams and putting some plank on top. I did not go for anything fancy, I just wanted to have somethign sturdy build quickly, which would look nice from the bottom. It turned out quite well I think, it definitely hasn’t fallen yet, even when I put a lot of construction wood on top recently, as I ran out ouf space below.